Obamacare repeal fails in House

It was a massive tax cut for the rich, disguised as a health care bill.  It would have resulted in 24 million more people being uninsured by 2026, and those who do get coverage will get less and pay more.  A lot more.

On the nongroup market, annual net insurance premiums for a 64-year-old with an income of $26,500 would rise from $1,700 to $14,600. Yup, that an annual increase of $12,900, to buy a significantly less generous policy than is now available under ACA. For proponents of AHCA, that’s politically self-immolating.

All week we watched the spectacle of Republicans who merely want to destroy Obamacare, fighting with the Republicans who want to be even more cruel.  The fact that they couldn’t agree among themselves is almost immaterial to the main lesson here.  The Republican Party proposed this bill.  Never let anyone forget it.  The shame can never be allowed to fade.

Rep. Steve King openly peddles white nationalism

From Daily Kos:

That’s Iowa Rep. Steve King, the prime architect of the party’s newly aggressive anti-immigrant stance, a position he obtained by scuttling post-2012 party efforts at reworking and moderating the party’s past immigration stances. He’s voicing these thoughts in support for Dutch white nationalist stain Geert Wilders.

And yes, this is the new Republican “normal.”

In case you had any doubt as to whether our Representative in Congress is openly white supremacist, let’s see what David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the KKK, has to say about it:

OK, that clears it up.

Steve King meets with French fascist candidate

Long a vocal proponent of extremist anti-immigrant policies, Iowa Rep. Steve King hasn’t wasted any time jumping on the anti-immigrant, white nationalist Trump bandwagon. Now he apparently wants to make sure America is crystal clear about his support for white nationalism throughout the rest of the world, as well.

He met with Marine Le Pen.

Marine Le Pen is, for newcomers, the white nationalist leader of the extremist-right French political party National Front. Her father was himself a notorious anti-Semite and Holocaust denier; she herself is a Trumpesque figure who demands immigrants be stripped of jobs, welfare, school rights, and all other government services in favor of native citizens.

Anti-Semitic Valentine’s Day card at Republican event

So, this happened.

Central Michigan University’s College Republicans threw a Valentines event where attendees got gift bags prepared by the university’s young, upstanding Republicans, including this one, bearing a likeness of Adolf Hitler and the message, “my love 4 u burns like 6,000 jews.”

The College Republicans have since apologized.

Republican Party spits on the Constitution and America in one tweet

The Republican Party could have stood up for the Constitution and the rule of law when Trump issued his first Muslim ban order.  Let’s see how they did.

Not so good.

The Republican Party appears to be joining Donald Trump in trying to undermine the legitimacy of the American court system—a coequal branch of government to the executive, with a thinly veiled call to stand against the courts after the 9th Circuit’s decision to uphold a restraining order on Trump’s Muslim ban

When it starts to turn against Trump, remember:  the Republican Party stood with him.

Beware of men who try to scare you

They are usually selling something you wouldn’t want to buy, unless you were scared out of your wits.  Here’s another example from Donald Trump:

And we must support the victims of crime. I have ordered the Department of Homeland Security to create an office to serve American victims. The office is called VOICE, Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement.

We are providing a voice to those who have been ignored by our media and silenced by special interests. Joining us are four very brave Americans whose government failed them. Their names are Jamiel Shaw, Susan Oliver, Jenna Oliver, and Jessica Davis. Jamiel’s 17-year-old son was viciously murdered by an illegal immigrant gang member, who had just been released from prison.

And so on, and so on.  As the late great Molly Ivins might have said, it sounded a lot better in the original German.  (Thanks to Jamelle Bouie.)


The Republican agenda is the Trump agenda

Don’t take my word for it, that’s what Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had to say.

“I think for virtually all Republicans, the chance to actually do things we felt would move the country in the right direction and have the President sign them into law is a pretty exciting prospect, so we’re looking forward to a positive, upbeat presentation tomorrow night,” McConnell said, “and then proceeding with our agenda, which is exactly the same as the Trump agenda.”

Someday the Republican Party will try to claim Trump was an aberration, that we can’t blame the Republican Party for the worst crimes of Trump.  It will be a lie.  They are in lockstep with Trump on every issue that matters.