It was a massive tax cut for the rich, disguised as a health care bill. It would have resulted in 24 million more people being uninsured by 2026, and those who do get coverage will get less and pay more. A lot more.
On the nongroup market, annual net insurance premiums for a 64-year-old with an income of $26,500 would rise from $1,700 to $14,600. Yup, that an annual increase of $12,900, to buy a significantly less generous policy than is now available under ACA. For proponents of AHCA, that’s politically self-immolating.
All week we watched the spectacle of Republicans who merely want to destroy Obamacare, fighting with the Republicans who want to be even more cruel. The fact that they couldn’t agree among themselves is almost immaterial to the main lesson here. The Republican Party proposed this bill. Never let anyone forget it. The shame can never be allowed to fade.