The people cheering the loudest for Attorney General Jeff Sessions are Klansmen and Nazis. Actual no-kidding members of the KKK and actual Hitler-loving Nazis.
Daily Stormer: Sessions’ Confirmation Means “We Are One Step Closer To Solidifying Trump’s Authoritarian Dictatorship.” Andrew Anglin, who runs neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, celebrated Sessions’ confirmation and contrasted him to African-American former attorneys general Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder by writing, “They were constantly standing up to Barack like, ‘Barack, m8, u b n too hard on dem wites’”…
David Duke: “Thank God After 8 Horrible Years Of Black Radical Marxists We Finally Have An AG Who Will Defend Decent American People – Rather Than Thugs.” Notorious anti-Semite and white nationalist David Duke, who is a former Klu Klux Klan leader, was ecstatic over Sessions’ confirmation, sending a series of tweets praising Sessions and attacking his African-American predecessors…
Paul Ray Ramsey: “Great News! Hopefully, He Can Start Targeting Domestic Terrorist Groups Such As #BlackLivesMatter.”…
VDare: “Fight Of Jeff Sessions To Turn GOP Into A National Conservative Party Has Been Going On A Long Time. Now, Victory.” VDare, a racist anti-immigrant website named for Virginia Dare, the first white settler in America, declared “victory” on Twitter and wrote that a “new era” had begun…
Daily Stormer Applauded Sessions As “An Aggressive Anti-Black Racist” And Predicted That “We’re Going To Get Absolutely Everything We Wanted.” From a Daily Stormer article with the headline “It’s Like Christmas: Sessions for AG, Gen Flynn as National Security Advisor”:
Honestly, I didn’t even expect this to all come together so beautifully. It’s like we’re going to get absolutely everything we wanted…
Of course, I was thinking of Sessions for either Secretary of State or Defense, but I think Trump is making a point by putting an aggressive anti-Black racist in as AG. It’s a corrective measure, after Obama turned the Justice Department into the Black Panthers. [The Daily Stormer, 11/18/16]